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Bakery mixes line
Preparation based on spelt flour and grains
Description: PAN DI FARRO is a natural bread mix based on spelt flour and grain with the addition of sour dough from natural fermentation which allows the realization of spelt bread of exceptional quality with typical taste and fragrance and with an inviting and appetizing aspect. The rediscovery of cereals which are part of the ancient Mediterranean food traditions has taken up again for a long time also the spelt. This progenitor of the wheat possesses in fact precious qualities particularly useful for our organism: vitamins, minerals, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus as well as proteins, iron, copper and manganese but above all soluble fibres that favour the regular functions of the bowel. The added sour dough gives to finished products the taste and the perfume typical of the bread produced with long processes of rising. Therefore tastiness and health, a binomial greatly demanded by the consumers of today.
Packaging: 10 kg bags
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